In this typical market we have multiple sellers catering to multiple buyers. The start of commercialism dawned from the empires of Barter system and moved on to business estates where the primary goal is to make profits. This system to address the needs and demands of the forces in the market and earn an incentive over it is the call of the day. This has no problem till the time the situation is monopolized as that would make the users accept any and everything. But no sooner that there exists a competitor, this situation trembles as now the call is to attend to the customer needs in such a way that their loyalties can be won.
Not only winning loyalties helps to earn a quick buck but also sustain sales in a way that even when successors pick up the business they could bank on the same customers which were earlier converted to become prime centers.
In today’s scenario it has become very important to convert your product from a mere product to a brand. With globalization taking everything under one bracket it is hard to sell products. Thus the focus should be to establish and sell brands.
There exists a misconception that branding is advertising. If you need to brand your product all you need to do is to spend money on a heavy media burst wherein you flood your product across and Eureka! Brand is made. Alas! It doesn’t work this ways.
Advertising is a part of branding that does help to create awareness but not a brand per se. Advertising can be called a sub set of branding. A brand is made not by just creating awareness but value for a product. Consumers should be happy about a product. They should feel proud about using a product. It should capture not only the hearts of a consumer but also minds. An attractive advertisement can lure someone to do the initial purchase but till the mind is stimulated the product will not be on its selling cycle.
Use the marketing mix in the appropriate ways to win customers for a product. Branding is not only about awareness and aspirations. It’s about sales too. Any branding activity undergone which doesn’t help with the bottom lines should be reworked unless the objective is diverse.
The time to sell products alone is out. Sell values with the product. Sell aspirations. Look after customer interests and win him forever. Happy marketing. Happy branding!